Members FAQ

Role of the NSTU Rep

NSTU Mission Statement: As the unified voice for the advocacy
and support of all its members, the NSTU promotes and advances
the teaching profession and quality public education.

The Duties of the NSTU Rep

You will find your job rewarding as you meet more people from other schools and begin to understand the work of the Union, its belief in public education in Nova Scotia, and the support it gives to its members, both for economic welfare and professional development. You may eventually want to become more involved by volunteering to join one of the Local committees, such as Professional Development, Women In Education, Communications, PublicAffairs etc. You are also encouraged to apply to provincial NSTU committeesand seek other positions of ledership in the organization.

Your responsibilities as a school rep include:

  1. Determine with your staff where Union information should be located in the school so that they can have access to it.
  2. Keep teachers informed (through memos, staff notes, staffmeetings, etc.) of Union activities and their rights under their present Agreement. Provide details of any Union functions being organized - socials, Professional Development workshops, meetings, etc.
  3. Attend all General Meetings and the Rep Meetings. lnform teachers on your staff of the General Meetings and encourage them to attend these. If you are unable to attend, send a representative from your staff.
  4. Take clear, concise notes at meetings. Make the notes available for your staff to read.
  5. Familiarize yourself with the Regional and Provincial Agreements and ensure that one copy of each is available to your staff.
  6. Be sure of your facts when reporting information to your staff. If unsure, call a member of your Local Executive.
  7. Make staff aware of various opportunities and services available to them - grants, leaves, openings on Local committees, conferences, etc. and make applications available. Inform staff of confidential Counseling Services available to them through the NSTU in Halifax.) Pass out appropriate forms or explain where they may be obtained. For example: New Teachers- Health and Dental plans, etc.
  8. Be sure to distribute promptly all copies of the Teacher, Local Voices, and all Union correspondence.
  9. Keep your staff informed of Union news through the use of a staff bulletin board. Include phone numbers of the Union Local, meeting notes, mail from Halifax, etc.)
  10. When a Rep Retreat is held by the Local, plan to attend, as it will provide you with leadership skills to help you with your tasks as Union Rep.
  11. Develop a personal touch with your staff and be an effective listener. Ensure confidentiality in personal matters.
  12. If you are asked by another teacher to attend a meeting for disciplinary purposes, contact a member of the Local Executive immediately for advice.
  13. If a teacher comes to you with a grievance, contact a member of the Local Executive immediately to seek advice. Remember that the teacher has only ten days to grieve under the Local agreement, and thirty days under the Provincial Agreement.
  14. Place a suggestion box in staff rooms for questions and / or concerns to raise at staff or local union meetings.
  15. Be familiar with procedures for forwarding submissions to the Regional Negotiations Committee, and with procedures for submitting resolutions to Annual Council.
  16. If a death occurs in the family of an NSTU member, contact a member of the Local Executive or the Local President.

"The NSTU is only as strong as its members make it,
by supporting each other as fellow professionals!"